Champion’s Wine Club

Subscribe now to start building up your wine rack!
It can be really daunting choosing a wine, whatever the occasion. There are so many available nowadays that sticking to the safe option is often the easiest way. Parting with cash for a bottle of Chateau Unknown is a risky business, especially if it’s a gift or to take to a dinner party.
With this in mind, we are delighted to announce the launch of Champion’s Wine Club, a new, exciting top quality wine selection and delivery service designed to introduce customers to our interesting and unique range and help build knowledge and confidence in the world of wine.
With this in mind, we are delighted to announce the launch of Champion’s Wine Club, a new, exciting top quality wine selection and delivery service designed to introduce customers to our interesting and unique range and help build knowledge and confidence in the world of wine.
How it works
There will be 12 bottles in your case and they will come in price bands to suit your budget:
Bronze - £120
Silver - £180
Gold - £240
Cases will usually be a mix of 6 red and 6 white, based on seasonal trends. This may change occasionally and sometimes include a rosé, sparkling or even a fortified wine.
Each case is worked on a percentage discount of the total shelf price.
Tasting notes and food pairing suggestions will be delivered with every case.
You will receive priority booking for all our wine tasting events.
Delivery will be free of charge and will take place at the beginning of every February, April, June, August, October and December at an agreed time.
If you have holiday planned or are unavailable, delivery dates can be moved and if you wish to cancel your subscription at any time, please let us know at least one week before the next delivery is due.
Call us: 020 3851 9935
Email us:
or pop in to join!